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Jean Marcou - "Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Shifting Back to the West after a Drift to the East?" The eight edition of the Turkey Policy Brief Series is authored by Jean Marcou, Professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques Grenoble (IEPG), France; and a Research Associate at the French Institute of Anatolian Studies (IFEA), Turkey.
Haber resmi
05/04/2013 - Okunma sayısı: 3319

"There is almost universal acknowledgement that Turkey’s foreign policy has undergone profound change over the last decade, so much so that it has become customary to speak of a 'new Turkish foreign policy'. It is worth noting that the country’s diplomatic choices have been unfailingly constant since the end of World War II. The pursuit of a virtually exclusive alliance with the West, coupled with weak or even confl ictive relations with its regional neighbors, were the consequence of political arrangements under which the army regarded the country’s foreign policy as falling outside the government’s powers..."


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