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Alirıza: “The Center has been making important, positive contributions to Turkish-American relations.”
ANKARA – Bülent Alirıza, Ph.D., was appointed director of the TEPAV USA Center, founded to fill the existing gap by examining Turkey-US relations and bringing together experts and analysts.
Since its opening on November 28, 2011, the Center has been examining the developments in Turkey and the US, bringing together on a regular basis senior policymakers, diplomats, and analysts as well as prominent journalists from the two countries and publishing updates.
Alirıza, who has been the Turkey Project Founder and Director at the Washington based think-tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) for a long time, stated that the TEPAV USA Center has been making important positive contributions to Turkish-American relations by closely monitoring the domestic and foreign policy developments in the two countries.
In addition to the posts at the CSIS and TEPAV, Alirıza has been teaching at the American University, Washington DC, and TOBB University of Economics and Technology. He also appears in visual and written media in both Turkey and the US.
Previously, he was the Representative of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to the US.