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In a round table meeting which was organised by TEPAV with the theme "Public-Private Sector Partnership", issues including ways to guide sectors' interests, country examples and current state in Turkey and steps taken in the field of privatization were discussed.
ANKARA -Public-private sector partnership practices in Turkey and in the world were evaluated in a round table meeting which was held on May 21, 2010 in TEPAV. Alan Trager from Harvard University, guest of TEPAV in Turkey, and İzak Atiyas from Sabancı University delivered the opening speeches of the meeting.
Prof. Alan M. Trager, holding the presidency of Public-Private Sector Partnership Working Group in Harvard University, discussed how the interests of the public sector and private sector can be guided. In his speech which was contributed by the participants' questions, public-private sector partnership was elaborated in detail with a special emphasis on country examples.
Assoc. Prof. İzak Atiyas, the other keynote speaker of the meeting, made an assessment about Turkey. During his speech, Atiyas summarized the steps toward privatization in Turkey and the policies that should be followed in the future.