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In the context of the process which TEPAV also supported, consultation meetings were carried out in Istanbul, Islamabad, New Delhi and Berlin.
The Abu Dhabi Process coordinated by the Brussels-based EastWest Institute (EWI) with the co-funding of the governments of Abu Dhabi and Germany is completed. In the context of the Abu Dhabi Process, four consultation meetings about the economic future of Afghanistan were held.
Three meetings were held in 2013; on infrastructure in Istanbul, on energy trade in Islamabad, and on investment in New Delhi. The fourth meeting convened in 2014 in Berlin was devoted to the review of progress and definition of future activities. Economic Policy Analyst Ozan Acar represented TEPAV during the meetings.
The outputs of the consultation meetings were compiled in a report titled “Afghanistan Reconnected: Regional Economic Security Beyond 2014” in which Ozan Acar contributed with a chapter titled “Private Sector Development in Afghanistan and Pakistan”.
Please click here for the report.