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The eleventh edition of the Turkey Policy Brief Series is authored by Bozkurt Aran, Director of
the Center for Multilateral Trade Studies at TEPAV
"The brief looks at how the necessity to maintain and develop the current trading system has led to new quests, namely the Transpacifi c Partnership (TPP); and Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Both of the initiatives are complementary and should be treated as integral parts of a coherent international strategy, spearheaded by the United States. Believing that as one of the emerging economies, the manner in which Turkey positions herself in the new era is crucial, the brief asks the following crucial questions: Is Turkey prepared to engage in a battle to be integrated in the quests for new partnerships initiatives by making the hard policy decisions required for the wide-ranging transformation? Or, will she be content with her newly acquired emerging country status? The answers to these questions will likely determine Turkey’s place in the emerging trade regime whose parameters will be set by the TPP and TTIP."