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Turkish business people were briefed on the investment climate in Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan during a panel meeting held in the context of a training program on "How to Improve the Investment Climate in CIS Countries"
ANKARA - With a panel meeting organized at TEPAV, the investment climate in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, was introduced by country experts to Turkish business people interested in these markets.
TEPAV, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK), the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TİKA) and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) held a panel meeting in Ankara on Thursday, June 9, 2011 with the theme "Improving the Investment Climate in CIS Countries." The panel meeting, organized within the scope of the training program with the same theme carried out by the Training and Research Institute for Public Policy, was attended by experts from the public sector and the Information Support and Foreign Investments Promotion Agencies of Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and Turkish business people considering investments in the mentioned countries.
At the panel meeting moderated by TEPAV, Governance Studies Director Emin Dedeoğlu, IDB Representative Mohammed Bukhari, TİKA representative Yeşim Baktır and DEİK Representative Mustafa Oğuz delivered opening speeches. In the following session, experts from the CIS countries briefed the participants on the investment climates in their respective countries. In this context, Bakai Zhunushov, Board Member of the Kirgizstan Public-Private Partnership and Investment Promotion Center, Djamshid Abdurakhimov from UZINFOINVEST under the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of Uzbekistan, Anuar Mukushev from the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Kazakhstan, and Olimdzhon Dzhalilov from the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan delivered presentations. The panel meeting ended after a question-answer session.
TEPAV's five-day training program for experts from Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will be completed on Friday, June 10, 2011. The training sessions are conducted in the context of the partnership agreement signed between the IDB and TOBB.