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Can "Competition Policy Chapter" be Opened to Negotiation as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Cameron Says?
At his speech in TOBB (Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) on July 27, 2010 David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom said that they expect the competition chapter to be opened as the next step in the accession process within the six months during Belgium's EU presidency that started on July 2010.
During the EU presidency of Spain that ended in July 1, 2010, Spain, who supports Turkey's EU membership, underlined that they would do their best to open four chapters that is not subject to any political obstacle, namely Public Procurement, Competition Policy, Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary, and Social Policy and Employment. However, over the first half of 2010, Turkey could be able to fulfil the opening criteria for only the Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary chapter, which is thus the only chapter that was opened to negotiations.