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The second Ankara Forum on Energy and Energy Security round-table meeting titled "Competing Energy Policies of Major Powers and World Energy Future" held on April 27th, 2007 at TOBB-University of Economics and Technology. The Executive Director of London Information Network on Conflict and State-Building (LINKS), Dennis SAMMUT made the opening remarks at the meeting. During her presentation, Brenda Shaffer, the research director of Caspian Studies Project at Harvard University, questioned Russia's use of oil and gas as a weapon and she interrogated Russia's policies to be a reliable supplier. After Ms. Shaffer's remarks, Counselor from Russian Embassy in Turkey, Mr. Dimitri Zykov brought on the table Russia's energy policies in the Black Sea and Caspian region. Mr. Zykov underlined the interdependence of countries on energy issues. Following the Counselor's explanations, Necdet Pamir, the General Coordinator of Center for Eurasian Strategic Studies (ASAM), first evaluated global energy sources and their energy strategies then examined the role of Turkey. On the last session, participants and speakers made their points on future of world's energy and policies of major powers.
The first meeting of Ankara Forum on Energy and Energy Security was held on March 23rd, 2007.