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In light of T20 policy recommendations with the contributions of TEPAV, global trade and WTO reform is set to be discussed during digital roundtable
The Instito Affari Internazionali (IAI), set to host the online webinar, is also the T20 Italy National Co-chair and part of the G20 TIRN (Trade and Investment Research Network). The TIRN, of which TEPAV is founding member, is a cross-country, independent, network of trade and investment policy researchers whose shared goal is to provide substantive, research-backed analysis to support G20 leaders’.
The event will take place within the framework of the T20 Roundtables and is to be held virtually on September 8th from 15.00-16.30 CEST. The webinar is to underline key recommendations for the G20 in support of WTO reform. There is discord among members over a variety of issues ranging from dispute settlement, the role of developing or launching new trade initiatives, increased trade tensions paralyzing the WTO of its main functions of multilateral cooperation to sustainable development. Reforming the WTO has long been argued and overdue. Despite several reform proposals that have been put forth by stakeholders, the multilateral trading system remains at a critical junction.
In the context of the T20 Italy leadership, the event aims to present proposals of leading experts on WTO reform. The webinar provides a platform for results-oriented discussions among academics, policy makers and other stakeholders on WTO reform proposals prior to T20 Trade Ministers Meeting scheduled for October 2021.
Dr. M. Sait Akman, Director of TEPAV’s G20 Studies Center and co-chair of T20 Italy Task Force on Trade, Investment and Growth will present an opening address at the event. Anabel Gonzalez, Deputy Director General of the WTO, and Nicola Faganello, the Chair of the G20 Trade and Investment Working Group will provide their comments on the T20 Policy Briefs to be presented by leading experts.
To access the event’s program, click here.
For more information and registration, click here.