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tepav@tepav.org.tr / tepav.org.trTEPAV veriye dayalı analiz yaparak politika tasarım sürecine katkı sağlayan, akademik etik ve kaliteden ödün vermeyen, kar amacı gütmeyen, partizan olmayan bir araştırma kuruluşudur.
During the G20 Germany presidency, the T20 (Think20) Summit was held in Berlin on May 29th and 30th, 2017. The T20 consisted of twelve task forces and each task force composed of think-tank representatives from the G20 countries. The task forces produced 73 policy briefs on twelve topics. After the T20 summit, policy briefs prepared by the co-chairs of the T20 were selected under “20 Solution Proposals for the G20”[1] as recommendations.
TEPAV, as a co-chair in the forced migration task force, prepared a policy recommendation titled “Forced Migrants: Labour Market Integration and Entrepreneurship”[2]. Under forced migration as well, TEPAV co-authored a policy recommendation on the transition from humanitarian aid to the sustainable development of educational infrastructure: “Education and Skills Development in the Context of Forced Migration”[3]. On trade and investment, TEPAV also co-authored a policy recommendation to renew the G20 commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda: “Key Policy Options for the G20 in 2017 to Support an Open and Inclusive Trade and Investment System”[4].
The three policy recommendations have been selected as a part of the overview document “20 Solution Proposals for the G20”, which contains policy recommendations chosen for their novelty, implementability and relevance to the G20 during the German presidency.
The report and the underlying policy briefs have been submitted to the relevant G20 policy makers, officially to Mr. Peter Altmaier, Germany Head of the Federal Chancellery and Federal Minister for Special Tasks, on May 30, 2017 during the T20 Summit, see here.
[1] http://www.t20germany.org/2017/05/30/20-solutions-g20/
[2] Forced Migrants: Labour Market Integration and Entrepreneurship
[3] Education and Skills Development in the Context of Forced Migration