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Transparency International shared the results of various studies
Ankara-TEPAV, The Workshop on the Anti-Corruption Program in the Private Sector was hosted by TEPAV on February 29 with the collaboration of Transparency International and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands.
TEPAV Director Güven Sak referred to the critical importance of the efforts by the private sector in the fight against corruption, citing the anti-corruption reports drafted throughout G20 meetings. Sak expressed his expectation that the meeting will contribute to furthering the policy dialogue between parties working in the field of anti-corruption in the private sector.
According to the corruption perceptions index 2015, Turkey ranks 66th among 180 countries.
Transparency International Turkey Chairwoman Oya Özarslan mentioned that a permanent corruption group has been established within the G20, as the increasing burden of corruption on economic growth becomes more and more obvious and people start claiming their rights in developing democracies in a parallel trend. Özarslan stressed that Turkey ranks 66th among 180 countries in 2015 corruption perception index and is among the countries with the most rapid slide in the rankings.
Nazlı Şenyaprak of Transparency International announced the findings of a research project on companies on the Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) 100 Index. Sharing analyses on various dimensions including corporate reporting, organizational transparency and national reporting, Şenyaprak expressed that organizational transparency was proved to be performing better than the two other criteria in the case of BIST 100 companies.
Elvan Sevi Fırat, also of Transparency International, shared the contents of "The Guide on Anti-Corruption and Harmonization in the Private Sector" with workshop participants. Fırat explained that the guide was drafted in order to increase awareness on the anti-corruption program development and offer guidance for companies willing to establish such programs.
The workshop ended with questions and comments from the participants who demonstrated a keen interest in the anti-corruption agenda.