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The results of the TEPAV projects at the South Caucasus were discussed during the Forum
BERLIN – TEPAV attended the second edition of the South Caucasus Forum organized by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF).
The Forum which brought together experts and decision makers from the region was held in Berlin on 29-30 January 2014. The agenda of the sessions was economic projects that could support the solution of political deadlocks in the region. Themes included among others, regional transportation and trade opportunities, infrastructure investments, needs for economic reform, and the economic relations of actors such as the European Union and the US.
TEPAV analyst Ussal Şahbaz delivered a speech about the outputs of the projects TEPAV carried out in the region. In the context of the Forum, the GMF published a policy brief by Şahbaz which discusses alternative transportation corridors along the Modern Silk Road.