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TEPAV Economic Policy Analyst Ozan Acar evaluated the current outlook of Turkey's sovereign rating in the context of the developments witnessed since January 2011.
Acar assessed:
Due to the uncertainties arising as a result of the global crisis, fund managers tend to focus on short-term rather than long-term factors when making investment decisions. The relative improvement in and the stable outlook of Turkey's sovereign rating in such a climate appears to be the main factor driving the rise in foreign fund inflows. Nevertheless, this trend stemmed from the global crisis and it is still a huge question to what extent this favorable trend is sustainable. In order for Turkey to ease its vulnerabilities driven by the high current account deficit, the share of long-term fund inflows including foreign direct investments in overall sources finance needs to be improved. The way to achieve this is to solve the country's structural problems.
Please click here for the full text of the commentary.