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Today's panel has the theme 'Constitutions, Citizenship and Coexistence'. The seminar on Tuesday will be about 'Constitution Making: Constitutional Design, Challenges, Considerations'.
ANKARA- Third and fourth events of the TEPAV Constitutional Experts Seminar Series will be held today and on Tuesday.
The theme of the panel to be carried out today is 'Constitutions, Citizenship and Coexistence'. At the panel, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Preuss from Hertie School of Governance will deliver a speech with the title 'The Integrative Power of Constitutions in Divided Societies', Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mesut Yeğen from Middle East Technical University with the title 'Citizenship in the Constitutions of the Turkish Republic' and Prof. Dr. Mithat Sancar from Ankara University with the title 'The Role of the Political in Constitution-Making: From the Myth of Consensus to a Democratic Concordance'.
Keynote speaker of tomorrow's Seminar with the theme 'Constitution Making: Constitutional Design, Challenges, Considerations' will be Prof. Dr. Ulrich Preuss.