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The report "Getting to Zero : Turkey, Its Neighbours and the West" was presented by its authors, namely Ahmet EVİN , Kemal KİRİŞÇİ, Ronald H. LINDEN and Nathalie TOCCI.
In the conference organised by Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), together with the German Marshall Fund of the United States the recent report of the Transatlantic Academy ("Getting to Zero : Turkey, Its Neighbours and the West") was presented by its authors, namely Ahmet EVİN , Kemal KİRİŞÇİ, Ronald H. LINDEN and Nathalie TOCCI.
One of the issues raised during the presentations and in the following discussion was that Turkish foreign policy matters for transatlantic community as Turkey seems to be at the center of all the challenging issues facing it. In this context, 'stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons'; 'containing conflict in the Middle East', 'relations with Russia', 'ensuring a stable energy supply' and 'defining the nature of the EU and its relationship with the US' were highlighted during the meeting.
The meeting underlined that Turkey now is engaged in regional and international affairs more than ever and indicated that this and maintained that there could be a number of reasons for this including end of the cold war and emerging multi-polarity, events of 9/11, US invasion of Iraq, the fragile nature of global economic system, the denigrating discourse of some EU leaders and loss momentum in Turkey's accession process to the EU.