Presentation of report prepared by the World Bank, titled Global Economic Prospects 2008 -Technology Diffusion in the Developing World, has been done at Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV).
Director of World Bank Development Prospects Group Hans Timmer and Lead Economist of World Bank Development Prospects Group Andrew Burns have participated as lecturers in the conference, where the opening speech is delivered by World Bank Director for Turkey Ulrich Zachau and Director for TOBB ETU Institute of Social Sciences Prof. Serdar Sayan.
World Bank Director for Turkey Zachau who delivered a speech at the conference stated that as in many countries, Turkish economy is influenced by global changes and said "However, Turkey's current account deficit is a matter of concern." Pointing at structural reforms in Turkey, which has been made against the risk of current account deficit, Zachau drew attention to the fact that there has been important changes in the country's economic structure. Zachau stated that floating exchange rate, strict financial policies, and national reserve function as a buffer against these risks. Zachau reminded that interests will begin to decrese again, and said that he estimated 20 thousand million dollars foreign capital will enter Turkey in 2008.