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TEPAV analysts and research associates who contributed to the preparations process will discuss the Plan with a series of notes.
ANKARA- TEPAV brings to the table the Tenth Development Plan for the 2014-2018 period by issuing a series of notes which will discuss the Plan in detail.
The series will mainly discuss to “what extent the Tenth Development Plan can pave the road to 2023 and how it can distinguish Turkey’s position in the obscure global and regional environment.” The series will separately address employment, education and urbanization.
The first note of the series by economic policy analysts Esen Çağlar and Ozan Acar is titled “AN Assessment on the Tenth Development Plan: If properly supported, the plan can serve as the roadmap for the 2023 goals.” The note among others entails a brief summary of the Plan.
TEPAV’s Contribution to the Tenth Development Plan
TEPAV contributed to the preparations for the Tenth Development Plan, with TEPAV analysts serving as the rapporteurs in three AdHoc Commissions (AHCs): The AHC for the Transformation of Manufacturing Industry (Esen Çağlar), The AHC for the Development of Trade Services (Sarp Kalkan), The AHC on Global Partnership for Development: Methods and Approaches (Ozan Acar). The reports will be released soon by the Ministry of Development.
In addition, TEPAV participated into 10 AHCs with 20 experts.