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After Izmir, Antalya outperformed the other provinces where meetings were held, in terms of the overall participation rate as well as the rate of women’s participation.
ANTALYA - The thirteen professional and civil society organizations that make up the Constitution Platform initiative group held the seventh Citizens’ Assembly in Antalya, under the secretariat of TEPAV. The event was attended by citizens and representatives of civil society organizations in Antalya. After Izmir, Antalya outperformed the Ankara, Konya, Edirne and Diyarbakir concerning the overall participation rate as well as women’s participation.
Speaking during the opening ceremony of the meeting, held at the Ramada Hotel, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stressed that Antalya hosted 11 million tourists each year and that 20,000 foreigners resided in the city. The city attracted tourists with its beauty, tolerance and the culture of coexistence, and emphasized that Antalya showed society how different cultures and beliefs could exist together.
Noting that it was the seventh meeting of the series, he stated that the constitution had an owner, the people of Turkey. He said, “Today, we have left our differences aside. We have banded together for the new constitution. The people must sew the new garments we will wear. The constitution must be built upon the agreement of the people, not behind closed doors by experts. Until today, citizens have only confirmed the choices made by experts. This time, we want to dictate the new constitution to the experts.”
Deliberative democracy exercised
Stating that the citizens’ assemblies would reveal the common sense of Turkey and exercise reconciliatory democracy for the first time Turkey, he added, “We want Turkey to speak up. As we speak, we will realize how much we have in common. Now it is your turn. Please speak freely no matter what your political or religious views may be. There are no limitations here. There is no alienation. State what kind of Turkey you want. State what kind of future you want. If you choose not to speak today then the responsibility lies with you.”
“Public participation is a must”
Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek stated that the work on the new constitution was being carried out in line with the agreement of the four political parties forming the Parliament. He said,
“Public participation will be assured in the making of the new constitution. We will not ignore public opinion. On the contrary, we will consult the people. The process will be instructed by the people. We will hear what they think and want, and we will make great effort to reflect the people’s demands in the constitutional texts. Today, we have come here to hear your opinions. Please tell us what you think openly. Please be sure that the desires and opinions and criticisms you state are of great value to the Constitution Committee. They definitely have to be taken into account.''
Stating that the Committee was planning to complete the new constitution by the end of the year, he said that they would consult the public via citizens’ assemblies until 30 April. The drafting of the Constitution would start in May and it would be submitted to the public for approval.
MPs delivered remarks
During the meeting, representatives of civil society organizations forming the Constitution Platform and four MPs representing each party in the Parliament delivered remarks.
MHP Vice Chairman Tunca Toskay said that when making the constitution, experiences of Turkey and the requirements of the time had to be taken into consideration. He emphasized that the process must not contradict the principles of nation-state values.
Altan Tan, member to the Constitution Committee and BDP Diyarbakir MP, said that Turkey suffered from structural, political, ethnic and religious problems, the solution to which required a new social contract. He added, “Some smart alecks argue that the new constitution will not solve all of the problems of Turkey. Of course it won’t. But you need the key to enter your house. This is why the constitution is of importance.”
CHP MP Gürkut Acar emphasized that the new constitution had to be build upon widespread consensus rather than the will of the government.
Stressing that the method implemented during the citizens’ assembly meetings was a first for Turkey, AK Party MP Sadık Badak stated that the method enabled the people to voice and hear new opinions.
Antalya Governor Ahmet Altıparmak also delivered a speech during the opening session.
Following the opening session, an interactive session that was attended by citizens was held. During the session, participants expressed their opinions and voted on the options about the new constitution under ten headings: “freedom of expression and political association, coexistence, economic and social rights, the principle of social state and positive discrimination, quality of public services, religion-state relationship, government system, independence of the judiciary, elections and political parties, local administrations, and nature and cultural assets.”