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The fifth of the Constitution Platform Citizens’ Assembly, held in Izmir, also had the highest level of participation by women.
IZMIR – A Constitution Platform Citizens’ Assembly was held in Izmir on Sunday, March 4, 2012. Izmir, which was the fifth stop of the series, outperformed Ankara, Konya, Edirne and Diyarbakir concerning participation rates as well as women’s participation.
The last stop of the Citizens’ Assembly series, which was started by thirteen syndicates, professional organizations and non-governmental organizations comprising the Constitution Platform Initiative Group, was held in Izmir. During the meeting, citizens discussed the issues they wanted to have included in the new constitution. As in other cities, the meeting was attended by TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek, members of the Constitution Committee of the Turkish National Assembly (TNA), and local administrative and representatives from local and national civil society organizations.
The meeting held at the Izmir International Fair Culture Park attracted widespread attention. Delivering opening remarks, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlı stressed that all sections of society were in consensus on the need for a new constitution, and said, “What we are trying to do here is to identify the attitude of citizens about different issues and to communicate their opinions to the Constitution Committee.”
Record-high participation beyond expectations
Hisarcıklıoğlu maintained that many had said that the people of İzmir would never come to a meeting on a Sunday. He added, “As you see, the highest level of participation so far was achieved in Izmir.” He stated that the city had the highest participation rate among women, as well.
He stated that all organizations within the Platform had different interests and world views, but that they shared the common goal of making a new constitution, and said that everyone should band together to make a constitution that would shape the country’s future.
Maintaining that Turkey had gone through important changes during the previous three decades, he added, “Now we are facing impediments. We have the best driver, but the car is too old. We must replace it with a 2012 brand and clear our way. The biggest step to take is to make the new constitution.”
Recalling that previous constitutions had been drafted by experts and later approved by the public, he said, “This time citizens will say what they want and the experts will write the constitution accordingly. If the new constitution is to be embraced by 74 million citizens, we have to know what you think.” He continued:
"We want Turkey to speak up. As we speak, we will realize how much we have in common. Turkey is our common love. The citizens’ meetings will reveal the common sense of Turkey. For the first time Turkey will be run by a reconciliatory democracy. What we are trying to do here is to identify the attitude of citizens about different issues and to communicate their opinions to the Constitution Committee.”
“We need an atmosphere where everyone clasps than clenches hands”
Stating that the new constitution could be made in an atmosphere where everyone shakes hands in peace rather than clenches, Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek said, “We want to make a new constitution that will guarantee our future and enable new achievements.” Stressing that Izmir had played a great role in recent democratic achievements, he added: “I am sure that Izmir will make the biggest contribution to the new constitution-making process as well.”
He maintained that they, as politicians, had not come to the meeting to express their opinions and they wanted to hear the views and opinions of citizens. He stressed that this was the first time citizens’ assembleis had been carried out in Turkey with a model common in modern countries.
“We care about what you think”
He went on:
“These meetings are important for us. We care about what you think. We are speaking here to tell you that these meetings will show the way. The atmosphere here shows the picture the entire country wants to see. We have the representatives of four political parties in the Parliament here with us. This means that Turkey wants to have a photo together with its politicians, professional organizations and citizens. Turkey can enjoy a bright picture if we can achieve this atmosphere in all aspects of life and in politics.”
He added: “Please discuss what type of a constitution you want to have. We will try to build the new constitution on the foundation you create.”
During the opening, four members of the Constitution Committee delivered speeches to represent each party in the Parliament. AK Party Istanbul MP Mustafa Şentop said that the constitution issue in Turkey had to do with the mindset reflected within the constitution, and added, “Turkey has to make a new constitution. This had become a historical necessity.”
CHP Izmir MP Rıza Türmen maintained that they would take into account the essential preferences of citizens when making the new constitution, saying, “Your participation is of essential importance. There are two words that will guide the process: participation and reconciliation. This is what we seek to achieve here.”
MHP Konya MP Faruk Bal said that they wanted to make a new constitution that excluded discrimination on the basis of religion, language and race, and prevented exclusion and marginalization.
“Those who can’t solve problems lost power”
BDP Diyarbakır MP Altan Tan stressed that attempting to make a new constitution four or five times in a century was quite rare and this need had been felt by only a few nations. He added, “We are looking for garments that will fit us and that we will like.” He stressed that in the past, political parties, politicians and organizations had lost their power because of their forced attempts which did not solve problems and that this would be the case this time as well.
During the opening ceremony, representatives from the organizations forming the Constitution Platform initiative group also delivered short remarks. Speakers included KAMU-SEN Secretary General Fahrettin Yokuş, TESK Chairman, Bendevi Palandöken, HAK-İŞ Chairman Mahmut Aslan, MEMUR-SEN Chairman Ahmet Gündoğdu, TÜRMOB Chairman Nail Sanlı, ASKON Chairman Mustafa Koca, TÜRKONFED Chairman Erdem Çenesiz, and TZOB Vice Chairman Nuri Sorman.
Discussions did not slow down until the end of the meeting
Following the opening session, an interactive session that was attended by citizens was held. During the session, participants expressed their opinions and voted on the options about the new constitution under ten headings: “freedom of expression and political association, coexistence, economic and social rights, the principle of social state and positive discrimination, quality of public services, religion-state relationship, government system, independence of the judiciary, elections and political parties, local administrations, and nature and cultural assets.
The tempo of the discussions did not slow down until the end of meeting.
The Constitution Platform initiative group involves TOBB, TZOB, TESK, TÜRK-İŞ, TİSK, HAK-İŞ, MEMUR-SEN, KAMU-SEN, TÜRMOB, the Turkish Veterinary Medical Association, the Union of Turkish Bar Associations, the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies, and the Union of Turkish Public Notaries. Other organizations also contribute to the process.