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A memorandum of understanding envisaging cooperation between the University of Oxford and TOBB ETU, METU, and TEPAV in the fields of academic education and policy research was signed at a ceremony held at the METU Culture and Congress Centre on May 30th, 2007. Parties, coming together at the lunch in honour of Lord Patten at TEPAV building before the ceremony, exchanged their views on recent political developments experienced in Turkey and the long-term reflections of these developments.
At the ceremony held at the METU Cultural and Congress Centre, an important step was made towards establishing a cooperation between parties with the memorandums of understanding corresponded between Lord Chris Patten, Chancellor of the University of Oxford; Ural Akbulut, Chancellor of METU; and Güven Sak, Vice-Chancellor of TOBB ETU and Director of TEPAV. The UK Ambassador to Ankara, Nick Baird; and Director of British Council in Turkey, Chris Brown, as well as many diplomats, lecturers and students attended the signing ceremony.
Prior to the signing ceremony, Chancellor of METU, Ural Akbulut; Director of METU Faculty of Social Sciences, Sencer Ayata; Director of Oxford European Studies Centre, Kalypse Nicolaidis; and Vice-Chancellor of TOBB ETU and Director of TEPAV, Güven Sak delivered speeches on the contributions of Oxford-Ankara cooperation on Turkey-EU relations.
Dr. Ayata, Director of METU Institute of Social Sciences, who delivered a speech at the opening of the ceremony, reminding famous quote "Did we have an Oxford in Urfa to study at, and didn't we?" from arabesque singer İbrahim Tatlıses, highlighted that Turkish students, academicians and researchers by virtue of Oxford-Ankara partnership would have the opportunity to study and conduct research at the University of Oxford, one of the reputable universities in the world.
Güven Sak, Vice-Chancellor of TOBB ETU and Director of TEPAV, in his speech depicted the Oxford-Ankara cooperation with a reference to the popular song of 1970s "The Bridge Over Troubled Waters". Drawing attention to the timing of the cooperation, Sak stated that the Oxford-Ankara cooperation was established just in time and would be an significant asset in strengthening the hand of Turkey in the negotiations between Ankara-Brussels.
Nicolaidis, Director of European Studies Centre at the University of Oxford, drawing attention to the recent social dynamics observed in the EU countries, stated that Turkey's EU memership is now more important than it had ever been before. Nicolaidis, underlining that there are exaggerated drawbacks regarding Turkey, stated that academic studies were of great importance in dispelling these prejudices in the process of the EU accession.
Nicolaidis, furthermore, explained the why the research network that is to be founded under the titled as ?Horizon 2023? follows: ?There lies the rejection of dogma in the background of the European enlightenment which forms the fundamental philosophy of the foundation of the Republic of Turkey. The Republic of Turkey targeted being an integrated part of Europe while it was being founded. For the purposes of this target, reforms were made in ordar to strengthen the Republic. Horizon 2023 lays stress on this decision which the founding staff and ideology of the Republic targeted 100 years ago. Emphasizing the significance of Turkey's membership to the EU with regard to ensuring global stability, Nicolaidis ended his speech by stating "Turkey will be the Viagra of Europe".
Lord Patten, who gave a lecture titled "Turkey in Europe: Short Term Concerns, Long Term Vision" after the signing ceremony highlighted that it was necessary to assess the membership of Turkey from a realist perspective with regard to the benefits it will make in matters such as energy security.
Within the framework of the Oxford-Ankara cooperation, it was envisaged that the TOBB ETU students would study at European Studies Centre of the University of Oxford, TOBB ETU academicians and TEPAV researchers would carry out periodic researches at European Studies Center of the University of Oxford. In addition, it was planned that public servants, TOBB and affiliated local chambers? officials would be trained at programmes organized by the University of Oxford.
Research component of the Oxford-Ankara cooperation is organized under a programme entitled "Horizon 2023". Under the framework of "Horizon 2023", it was envisaged that leading researchers and academicians from European capitals issue academic/analytic publications periodically on pre-determined subjects would be submitted to the attention of decision makers in the European capitals.