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Evaluation Note / Hüseyin Raşit Yılmaz
"...The unexpected visit of Turkey’s foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu, to Kirkuk brought up the Iraqi Turkmens, an issue long forgotten within the context of the heated foreign policy agenda. Everyone, even those who are familiar with his sentimental speeches that are full of historical references and built around a theme of a common future embracing Xanthi, Urumqi, Crimea or Benghazi, agreed that his remarks in Kirkuk, on the Iraq Turkmen front, escalated matters. He said, “Today is one of the happiest days of my life. I am finally able to visit Kirkuk, which was always a dream. After 75 years I have come to Kirkuk as the first Turkish foreign minister. This is a historic day. And I am the first Turkish statesman to have visited Kirkuk in 36 years. But I promise you won’t have to wait this long for us next time. We will meet more often… The Turkmens will always live, and they will live in Kirkuk. I am sure that Kirkuk cannot live without the Turkmens. And we will always try our best to contribute to the development of your region. In the fields of economy and culture, we will spare no effort to help Kirkuk. We are offering you a blank sheet of paper: Turkey is ready to do whatever is necessary to achieve peace.” His remarks during this controversial unannounced visit, which upset the Iraqi central government, implies that for the first time a Turkish statesperson has acknowledged the existence of the Iraqi Turkmens..."