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tepav@tepav.org.tr / tepav.org.trTEPAV veriye dayalı analiz yaparak politika tasarım sürecine katkı sağlayan, akademik etik ve kaliteden ödün vermeyen, kar amacı gütmeyen, partizan olmayan bir araştırma kuruluşudur.
Are women in our cities not working because of insufficient subway systems?
"There is a debate we have missed out on due to the tumultuous agenda of the week: The Mayor of the Istanbul, Kadir Topbaş, said that the dolmuş (a shared transportation system where the rate is paid by the distance traveled) will gradually be retired from city traffic. On the day this remark was made, a few news channels asked the opinion of regular people on the streets but then the matter was completely forgotten. This, however, is an issue of great importance on Turkey’s path to becoming a normal country."
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