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TEPAV Foreign Policy Analyst Erhan Türbedar (PhD) wrote on the trilateral summit that the presidents of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina met on July 18, 2011.
He assessed: "Aware of the fact that the developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina can have effects spreading to the entire region, Turkey has taken some steps in the last two years to make for rapprochement between Sarajevo and its neighbors and render Bosnia and Herzegovina more stable. The foundations of the Trilateral Balkan Summit which brought together the Presidents of Turkey, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were laid in this context. It was as if Croatia replaced role of Turkey at the trilateral summit in Brijuni. Croatia, having wrapped up its membership negotiations with the EU in June 2011, has started considering itself as an actor with a bigger role in the region and will undoubtedly launch more active initiatives from now on."
Please click here to read the full text of the commentary.