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The On going Official Contacts and Cooperation on the Turkish-Armenian Border: The Impossibility for Neighbours to Elude Geography
The 328 km long Turkish-Armenian border starts near Lake Çıldır, and extends to Dilucu, near Iğdır, running southwards following the Aras River. The military zones flanking on both sides the border isn't though entirely closed to civilians and leaves room for agriculture and tourism activities. The Turkish-Armenian border is not a ceasefire line and is regulated by a set of agreements which are at the basis of the ongoing dialogue and cooperation between border authorities from both sides. Though sealed as a result of the escallation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in reaction to the attack against Kelbajar, it has never stopped being a zone of contact and didn't transform into a ceasefire line.
For the article published in Today's Zaman click here.
For the article published in Hürriyet Daily News click here.