Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) hold a round table meeting on "Iran's Nuclear Program from the Viewpoint of the USA" with the participation of Ambassador Greg Schulte who is the Permanent Representative to International Organizations of the USA in Vienna.
Ambassador Schulte mentioned Iran's nuclear activities from the perspective of the USA and he gave information on the consequences of the revealed activities on the region. Ambassador Schulte stated that there are reports of the International Atom Energy Agency that indicate Iran's nuclear activities that are not in the direction of creating alternative energy resources. Besides, saying that Iran hasn't reached the capacity to produce nuclear weapons. Nevertheless, Iran's efforts might aim to generate weapons of mass distraction. Ambassador also stated that Iran's nuclear weapons will threaten the whole region, primarily Turkey and Israel. During his presentation, Mr. Schulte also pointed out two strategies towards Iran. One is to comprise diplomatic channels and the other one is sanctions towards Iran to discontinue its nuclear activities. In the case of progressing amicable relations with Iran Ambassador Schulte mentioned Turkey's key role to support these matters.