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The Technical Workshop on the "Strengthening the Capacity of Impact Analysis, Awareness Raising, and Implementation on Environment in the EU Accession Process" Project has been realized at TEPAV building over the period, 7-10 May 2007.
The representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, State Planning Organisation, The Chamber of Electrical Engineers, Electricity Generation Joint-Stock Company, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Ministry of Treasury, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Turkish Union of Chambers and Stock Exchanges have attended the meeting.
During the first two days of the Workshop, Prof. Colin Kirkpatrick, who is one of the renowned experts on impact analysis and currently the Head of Impact Analysis Research Center at Manchester University has given training. During the following two days, studies pertaining to the work to be done on the Project have been conducted.
Within the Project, as a case implementation, the study of how and when the Directive of European Union on Large Combustion Plants (LCPD) can be adopted to a sample of lignite fueled electricity generating plants using impact analysis, has been started. With this objective, the contribution that each stakeholder institution can provide have been discussed and an agreement on the cooperation and coordination mechanisms has been reached.