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Kyprianou and Candan met at TEPAV  
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25/11/2018 - Viewed 1241 times


ANKARA - The meeting titled “Geopolitical Developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus” was held with the participation of Secretary General of the Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL) Mr. Andros Kyprianou and, Foreign Relations Secretary of the Cyprus Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Armağan Candan on November 23, 2018, Friday at TEPAV. The meeting was moderated by TEPAV European Union Studies, Center Director Ms. Nilgün Arısan Eralp.

Hosted by TEPAV Executive Director Güven Sak, the meeting commenced with Professor Sak’s welcoming speech.  Drawing attention to the Cyprus issue, Sak  proceeded by saying:

“The situation in the Island is very dear to us. I have travelled to the Island many times. During my travels to Southern Cyprus, I have noticed that this was the only place my phone did not work. You feel uneasy even when your phone does not work when you are with friends. I hope we will reach a point where our phone will be working there, as well. I think through small steps forward, we will succeed This meeting will be a step forward towards this.”

He  concluded by thanking the guests for their participation.

Nilgün Arısan Eralp, moderator of the meeting, after having said : “ We feel honoured to bring together two respectful politicians from both sides of the island to talk about a very important topic for the countries in the region and for Europe.   Cyprus is a regional hub in the Eastern Mediterranean,  it is an EU member state which has become the first  one with an internal conflict.  The developments in the  island and its  geopolitical  surrounding have political and economic dimensions of great importance”,  left the floor to Armağan Candan.

Candan stated that both sides were trying to close the gaps in the fields of governance, EU issues and security but failing to show any progress, and then added that Turkish Cypriots need more clarity and assurance regarding their future. Candan continued his speech by saying that “…should the Greek Cypriot people reject the federal agreement once more… the international community needs to consider alternative ways ahead… Such a consideration would signal the Greek Cypriot people and to Greek Cypriot leader that the decision they will make is a definite one. Federation or permanent division.”.

He followed by saying “Let’s reach beyond what we accomplished so far…. when I say “we” I don’t only mean Cypriots but all the interested parties. It is essential that especially Turkey and Greece but also other international actors talk to each other and assist Cypriots. The positive outcome of Cyprus talks is definitely in the interest of Turkey, Greece, EU and East Mediterranean region. There could be some in the region who wouldn’t like to see the Cyprus problem solved, because they are aware that this will enhance the strength and the role of Turkey in the East Mediterranean… Only a collective effort can put this conflict behind us, open a new era of cooperation…Therefore I firmly believe in the urgent need to focus all our efforts to settle the longstanding Cyprus conflict. For its people and for the people around it” He ended his words.by thanking the listeners.”

Mr. Andros Kyprianou expressed his gratitude to TEPAV for the invitation. Stating that they came together as honorable representatives of the CTP and AKEL, Kyprianou added they will talk about both the geopolitical situation in the Eastern Mediterranean as well as the Cyprus problem.

While asserting that the geopolitical competition in the Eastern Mediterranean paved the way for dangerous militarization that has never seen before , he underlined that there are four factors that stand out in the Eastern Mediterranean; discovery of hydrocarbons, the region’s old unsolved  problems, instability in the region as an outcome of the ‘New Middle East’ Plan and, lastly the increase foreign presence and militarization in the region.

Drawing on the Cyprus problem once more, Kyprianou added that “Natural resources should not cause any shortage of agreements. We must act by considering the sovereignty and integrity of the country. AKEL recommends that governments do so and believes that they can. The solutions proposed should be beneficial to both sides and, seek the benefit of our country.”

Stating that the feeling of insecurity in Turkish Cypriots’ cannot be overcome by the military security Turkey offers them, Kyprianou added that AKEL believes that a solution can be reached through the union of both sides, and continued his speech by saying:

-“I agree with Armağan. No need to wait for a long time, the problem can be solved in a short time. First, we need to be able make a political decision… I have to say that as a Party, and I personally, we have as our inviolable principle not to change our positions and statements…” He added “As AKEL… the priority is the resumption of… Crans Montana. That is why we are encouraging the leaders of the two communities of Cyprusto respond positively to the UN Secretary General Guterres’ calls. His special envoy Mrs Lut’s forthcoming visit to the island is of crucial importance”.

Asserting that Turkey’s support is important for the talks, Mr. Kyprianou further underlined that being a bi-communal federation with a single sovereignty and a single international personality would allow people to be optimistic about a good future for the children, and “…about the future of our common homeland.” He continued by saying that “…Cyprus will emerge as a model where two communities coexist harmoniously within their common homeland and co-manage their common state.”

He ended by explaining that “This is not just a vision. It is an immediate strategic goal that serves the interests of the peoples of Cyprus, Greece and Turkey.”

In the Q&A section, upon a question by Yusuf Kanlı from Hürriyet Daily News regarding whether they regret the Decision of Enosis,  Kyprianou answered; ”Enosis decision was wrong.“

Meeting came to a close after Armağan Candan and Andros Kyprianou answered all the participants’ questions. And as Candan and Kyprianou were having their photos taken together after the meeting, they gave the signal that this meeting would be a good start to solving the Cyprus problem.


Click here to watch the interview by CNN Turk.

Click here for Mr. Armağan Candan’s speech.

Click here for Mr. Andros Kyprianou's speech.



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