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The First Armenian-Turkish Social Entrepreneurship Exchange Project Has Been Completed with Success  
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14/12/2017 - Viewed 1424 times


Within the framework of “Democracy Commission Small Grants Program” of the United States Embassy in Yerevan, Armenia-based Public Journalism Club (PJC) with its partner in Turkey the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), and with the help of Mikado Consulting jointly organized the first Exchange of Armenian-Turkish Social Entrepreneurs between November 25th - 29th.

An Armenian delegation, consisting of 7 social entrepreneurs and 2 media representatives visited successful Social Enterprises in Turkey, participated in Entrepreneurship courses, attended Social Impact Workshops in order learn more about Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprises (SE), SEs Ecosystem in Turkey as well as to establish possible inter-country partnerships and long-lasting relations. Some of the visits included:

-          Mikado Consulting

-          Dreams Academy – Girls Without Borders (Kızlar Atakta) Initiative

-          b-Fit

-          Istanbul Social Enterprise – Turkcell Dialogue Museum

-          Good4Trust.org

-          Kadir Has University and their Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer Office

-          Impact Hub Turkey

The exchange program helped enable the Armenian delegation to strengthen their knowledge through stories on Social Enterprise (SE) successes and failures, through the exchange of know-how and best practices.

Furthermore, the Networking Event organized as a part of the Project provided an opportunity for the Delegation to establish dialogue, as well as possible partnership developments with Turkish counterparts. Moreover, it presented the Delegation with the opportunity to make presentations and inform the Turkish Social Entrepreneurs about the status of and recent developments in the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Armenia.

The initiative was financially supported by the US Embassy in Yerevan, Armenia.


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