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BIO Startup Accelerator Program Expands Its Boundaries! BIO-Entrepreneurs from 5 different countries will have the chance to go to San Diego for BIO 2017!
Haber resmi
12/04/2017 - Viewed 3697 times

BIO Startup Program, organized for the first time in Turkey in 2016 by TEPAV and TOBB BIO and with the support of MSD, gathers Biotechnology entrepreneurs and startups under one roof; this time accepts applications from Middle East and Gulf Countries.

The Program, which will accept applications from Bio entrepreneurs located in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, United Arab Emirates and Turkey, will be organized with the support of MSD and with the contributions of Viveka.

The program consists of three phases:

In the initial phase, the applications of bio-entrepreneurs will be collected until May 7th. (For application: http://www.biostartupprogram.com). Bio-entrepreneurs who have successfully passed the application phase will be subjected to an intensive online training and mentoring program from May 10th to May 19th, 2017. Entrepreneurs who have completed this stage will receive mentorship from leading trainers and industry professionals in the premises of TEPAV (Ankara) on 23rd-24th May and participate in presentation & project development workshops. Following the intensive training program, on Demo Day, Thursday, May 25th, entrepreneurs will have the chance to present their ideas and projects to the jury consisting of experts.

The three (3) entrepreneurs to be selected by the jury will be awarded with a booth at the BIO 2017 Fair held in San Diego on June 17th-22nd where approximately 16,000 people from 65 countries will come together. Furthermore, selected entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to meet with potential investors and managers of incubation centers and will have the opportunity to participate in the BIO Entrepreneurship BootCamp.

For detailed information about the program; http://www.biostartupprogram.com


What happened to the BIO Startup Program in 2016?






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