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Turkish and Armenian Entrepreneurs Receive Joint Training A joint training session was held in Ankara for the benefit of Turkish and Armenian entrepreneurs.
Haber resmi
04/02/2016 - Viewed 1534 times

ANKARA - A joint training session was held in Ankara for the benefit of Turkish and Armenian entrepreneurs as part of the “Entrepreneurial Partnership for Technology Exchange” program funded by US Embassy in Armenia, co-organized by TEPAV, Public Journalism Club (PJC) and Viveka.

Twelve young Armenian entrepreneurs including university students and new graduates have attended a four-day acceleration program between Feb. 1 and Feb. 4 at TEPAV with Turkish entrepreneurs and trainers.The training was held within the framework of the program that aims to encourage entrepreneurs from neighboring countries to build transnational partnership networks and turn entrepreneurship into an interactive process.

During the program, participants were provided with trainings outlining the steps to be taken to complement their innovative ideas with technology in order to boost their entrepreneurial skills. Training topics included creating ideas, developing a business model, presentation-making for investors, conceptual persuasion and marketing.

The Evraka entrepreneurship initiative from Turkey and Homeplanning from Armenia, who have successfully finalized the first phase of the project, have contributed to the program by describing their own experiences. Participants visited Teknokent technology park of the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ), the Cyberpark technology development zone of the Bilkent University and the ATOM incubation center, which focuses on game and animation technologies.

The program was held as a follow-up of the Exchange of Entrepreneurs  that started in 2014 with the support of the EU as part of the Turkey-Armenia Normalization Process.


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