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The G20 Antalya Communique: The main achievements and the way forward Evaluation Note / T20 Turkey *  
Haber resmi
19/11/2015 - Viewed 1918 times


Turkey’s G20 Presidency ended with the Antalya Summit this week. Turkey held 170+ meetings over the course of its G20 presidency – more than any previous host – the outcomes of which are reflected in the wealth of topics covered by the final communiqué. Overall the communiqué reflects a strong emphasis on inclusivity, and developmental issues including the sustainable development goals (SDGs), energy access, climate change, and refugee crises. The two items that stand out are the inclusion of the Internet for the first time in a leaders’ declaration and the focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The economic and financial agenda is less groundbreaking, with successes in these areas limited to the completion of ongoing initiatives by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the monitoring of progress on implementation of reforms and targets, as well as institutional capacity building.

This note summarizes the main achievements put forward in the leaders’ communiqué, drawing attention to areas that the G20 should address in the future.


* Bengisu Ozenc, Feride Inan, Guven Sak, Selin Arslanhan Memis, Ussal Sahbaz



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