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What is Going on at the GARAJ? An Overview at the End of the First Semester Evaluation Note / Ussal Şahbaz
Haber resmi
24/06/2013 - Viewed 2003 times

"The first Demo Day of the GARAJ Entrepreneurship Center, which was opened in January 2013 on the campus TOBB University of Economics and Technology at the ground floor of the TEPAV Building, was held on Thursday, June 20. The Demo Day is kind of a graduation ceremony for entrepreneurs.  Just as a university student finishes his or her courses and projects and graduates, entrepreneurs at the GARAJ Accelerator Program graduate when their products are ready to be introduced to the market. Different than a classical graduation ceremony, entrepreneurs at the Demo Day present their products to potential investors. The aim is to get an investment to cover initial expenses such as marketing and human resources and attain high rates of fast business growth..."


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