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The 2013 Report of the Global Governance Group 10 The book involves a chapter by TEPAV-IPRI Director Atila Eralp on the Israeli-Palestini conflict.
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24/04/2013 - Viewed 987 times


ANKARA – The report titled “The Challenges of Inclusive Multilateralism” by the Global Governance Group 10 was published by TEPAV. The Group is composed of prominent independent researchers from 10 different regions. The group is represented in Turkey by Prof. Dr. Atila Eralp, Director of the TEPAV International Policy Research Institute (IPRI).

The Global Governance Group 10 was formed as a permanent network of independent researchers on multilateral governance, following the “Evaluating Global Governance Workshop” organized in New York on 4-5 June, 2012 by the Council on Foreign Relations. TEPAV-IPRI Director Prof. Dr. Atila Eralp is also the coordinator of the Secretariat of the Group. The chapter of the report on The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is coauthored by Prof. Eralp and Özlem Tür.

Please click here for the report.



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