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Second TEPAV Merih Celasun Award Applications Now Open TEPAV announced applications for the 2012 Award in memory of Prof. Merih Celasun. The application deadline is March 31st, 2013.
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27/09/2012 - Viewed 3327 times


ANKARA – TEPAV has announced the second annual award in the memory of Prof. Dr. Merih Celasun, who created remarkable solutions to Turkey's structural problems throughout his career. The theme of the 2012 Merih Celasun Award is “Demographic trends in Turkey and economic repercussions.”

TEPAV is now accepting applications for the 2012 Merih Celasun Award. The application deadline is March 31st, 2013. The award for the first place will be 10,000 TL. Participants should send their CV, application form, and the work with which they aim to participate along with a 1,000 word summary to yarisma@tepav.org.tr by March 31st.

The 2012 Merih Celasun Award jury is made up of Aysıt Tansel, Baran Tuncer, Dani Rodrik, Ercan Erkul, İnsan Tunalı, Serdar Sayan and Seyfettin Gürsel. Following the jury’s evaluation, the winning study will be announced at TEPAV website “Merih Celasun Memorial Day” and applicants will be notified in written. The awards will be given at the Merih Celasun Day in 2013, at a date to be set later by TEPAV.

Below are the possible guiding themes under the general theme “Demographic trends in Turkey and economic repercussions.”

  • Policy options ahead Turkey to seize the opportunity of demographic trends and to avoid threats;
  • The impact of demographic trends in Turkey no human capital and sustainable growth;
  • High unemployment – demographic transition – structural transformation in production nexus;
  • Ageing across Europe and the world and repercussions on the Turkish economy;
  • Ageing in Turkey and implications for social security and public finance;
  • Income inequality, youth unemployment, child poverty and policy recommendations in the light of demographic trends;
  • Population growth and environmental pressures

Please click here to apply online via Merih Celasun Memorial Day website.


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