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The New Investment Incentive Package and the Other Turkey Commentary/Esen Çağlar
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09/04/2012 - Viewed 1719 times

"The new investment incentive package was announced at the beginning of April. According to the initial reflections in the media, everyone is quite content with it. I would be too, if I was an investor here. It seems that the incentive experts of the Ministry of Economy have designed a smart incentive bill that will please investors as much as possible. I don’t think it would have been possible to satisfy this wide an array of demands and views from as many sectors more successfully. We have to congratulate the Ministry. So far so good. But can the new incentive package fulfill its aim of eliminating regional development disparities?

The new zoning method is chief among the distinguishing features of the new scheme. It divides Turkey’s 81 provinces into six regions, each of which will benefit to different degrees. The map below shows the distribution of provinces by region."

Please click here to read the full text of the commentary.


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