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TEPAV Analyst Özcan Delivers a Presentation to the TGNA: “Who are the Armed People on the Mountains?” Invited to a meeting hosted by the Human Rights Inquiry Committee of the TGNA, Özcan presented the results of his research on 1,362 PKK militants who lost their lives between 2001 and 2011.
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13/02/2012 - Viewed 2061 times


ANKARA- TEPAV Analyst Nihat Ali Özcan, PhD., was invited to a meeting hosted by the Human Rights Inquiry Committee Sub-comission for Terrorism and Violence of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA). During the meeting, Özcan delivered a presentation titled “Who are the Armed People on the Mountains?”

The research conducted by TEPAV Analyst Nihat Ali Özcan, PhD. And Research Associate H. Erdem encompasses 1,362 PKK militants who lost their lives between 2001 and 2011. Research results include a wide set of data about militants as gender, place of birth, age of recruitment, place of recruitment, year of recruitment, place of death, service time in the PKK and participation ratios.

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