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Commentary/Erhan Türbedar: "Shadow of the Balkans in the Terrorist Attacks in Norway" TEPAV Foreign Policy Analyst Erhan Türbedar stated that among the factors which pushed Anders Behring Breivik to the act of terrorism that painted Norway in blood were also the events in the Balkans about which he obviously knew very little.
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05/08/2011 - Viewed 1075 times

Türbedar assessed: "Anders Behring Breivik who painted Norway in blood with twin attacks has some remarkable views about the Balkans in his "manifesto of terror" posted on the Internet. Breivik says that he has taken his action upon the NATO bombing campaign of Serbia in 1999 and notes that the bombing deprived Serbs of their right to stop Islam on their territories. Meanwhile, Radovan Karadzic who is now standing trial for the crimes he committed during the Bosnian war is an honorable Christian who fought against Islam, according to Breivik. His views expressed in the manifesto indicate that among the factors which pushed him to a perversion such as carrying out an act of terrorism were also the events in the Balkans about which he obviously knew very little."

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