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TEPAV Shares Turkey’s Experience with the Arab Union Arab League General Secretariat organized a roundtable meeting in Cairo on June 13 to debate the Turkish model.
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16/06/2011 - Viewed 2597 times

CAIRO - TEPAV Economic Policy Analyst Esen Çağlar briefed the Arab League about Turkey's performance in economic reforms, economic transformation and private sector led growth.

Arab League General Secretariat organized a roundtable meeting in Cairo on June 13 to debate the Turkish model. The meeting, which aimed to discuss how Turkey's development experience can guide Arab countries, was attended  by senior officers of finance ministry and experts from Arab League member countries. After the opening speech by the Arab League General Secretary, Turkey's Ambassador to Cairo, Hüseyin Avni Botsalı, assessed Turkey's progress in recent years, particularly in the field of economy.

TEPAV Economic Policy Analyst Esen Çağlar participated in the meeting and spoke about Turkey's performance in economic reforms, economic transformation and private sector led growth. As the only expert to represent Turkey at the meeting, Çağlar maintained that they are focusing on a picture in which Turkey serves as an inspiration rather than as a role model for Arab countries, and said: "There are many lessons to learn for Arab countries in Turkey's past successes and mistakes in the field of economic reform." Çağlar's presentation can be read at the below link.

At the meeting, Prof. Adel Hameid of Al Ahzar University delivered a presentation on the repercussions of Turkey's development experience on Arab countries and Prof Ali Abed Muhammed Said of the University of Baghdad spoke on Turkey's foreign policy and economic relations. Following the presentations, panelists answered the questions of the audience and discussed how Arab countries can benefit from Turkey's experiences in economic reform.



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