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Commentary/Esen Çağlar: Does the AKP’s Plan for 2023 ensure 8.48 percent annual growth? TEPAV Economic Policy Analyst Esen Çağlar assessed the recently announced election manifesto of the AKP.
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19/04/2011 - Viewed 2107 times

The assessment said: "The most favorable aspect of the manifesto is that a debate with a perspective for 2023 has been brought forward on the popular agenda for the first time. We can conclude that the manifesto serves  good purposes if we approach it with only this aspect. We have been stressing for a long time (since 2006, more precisely!) that Turkey's problem is that it does not have a long-term growth story. So, we had better assess the manifestos of the political parties of the last 12 years from this perspective before the 100th anniversary of the Republic."

Please click here to read the full text of the commentary.


Tags: Elections, Growth,


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