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TEPAV Inaugurates the ‘Merih Celasun Memorial Day’ Events TEPAV inaugurates 'Merih  Celasun Memorial Day' events in commemoration of Prof. Merih Celasun who made valuable contributions to economics. In the first event of the series Prof. Dani Rodrik of Harvard University will deliver a presentation.
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14/12/2010 - Viewed 2283 times

ANKARA - TEPAV, as a think-tank concentrating on identifying the problems of Turkey's economy and providing short and long term policies to remedy these problems, inaugurates memorial events for Prof. Merih Celasun who offered important solutions to Turkey's structural problems through economic policies that relies on scientific though. In the first of the series of events to be organized annually with the theme 'Merih Celasun Memorial Day' Dani Rodrik of Harvard University will deliver a presentation titled 'Structural Transformation and Economic Development'.

'Merih Celasun Memorial Day' events to start with the first event at TEPAV on December 22, 2010 will host respected academics throughout the world to deliver 'Merih Celasun Memorial Lecture'. This year's Merih Celasun Memorial Lecture on 'Structural Transformation and Economic Development will be delivered by Professor Dani Rodrik of Harvard University. Following the memorial lecture, 'Memorial Speeches for Merih Celasun' will be delivered. The events also aim to support academic research on Turkey's economy. In this context, starting with 2011, TEPAV will also grant 'Merih Celasun Award' that will be given to academic research on Turkish economy.

Who is Merih Celasun?

Merih Celasun (1936-2004) dedicated his life to providing solutions to the structural problems of Turkish economy. He started his professional career at the State Planning Organization and had a professor position in the Middle East Technical University and later Bilkent University. A highly respected Turkish intellectual, Mr Celasun has become the reference person for international circles who want to learn about Turkish economy. He has been a role model to generations of Turkish economists with both his studies and his personality.

For further information on 'Merih Celasun Memorial Day' please click here.



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