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Bosnia-Herzegovina Higher Representative Mr. Inzko: "No future without regional consensus" Delivering a speech at TEPAV, Bosnia-Herzegovina Higher Representative Mr. Inzko said a new regional spirit was achieved at the Balkans in the 15th anniversary of Dayton Peace Agreement and underlined that future of the region can be established solely upon cooperation and consensus.
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23/11/2010 - Viewed 1887 times

ANKARA - High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Mr. Inzko, stated that Balkans are witnessing a regional spirit upon cooperation and consensus and draw an optimistic picture for the future of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the 15th anniversary of Dayton Peace Agreement. Mr. Inzko also underlined that Turkey made fundamental contributions to the process. Also drawing attention to the need for the establishment of government and for constitutional reforms in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which recently held elections, Mr. Inzko maintained that isolation was the only alternative to European Union membership for the country. Mr. Inzko went on to say that he will continue working in the country where the public institutions are not yet functional despite the impressive progress made.

Mr. Inzko assessed the recent developments in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the country's EU accession process and regional cooperation in the roundtable meeting organized by TEPAV on 22 November 2010 Monday. The meeting carried out in the context of Turkey visits in the 15th anniversary of Dayton Peace Agreement was attended by diplomats, representatives and academics from Turkey, the Balkans as well as other countries of the region.

Message of humanism through Yunus Emre

Beginning his speech with Yunus Emre's lines 'Water out of the same fountain/cannot be both bitter and sweet' and underlined that Turkey's contributions to Western Balkan diplomacy with respect to multiculturalism has enriched in the recent years. Drawing attention to the efforts across Western Balkan countries for EU membership, Mr. Inzko demonstrated an outlook where the region is active not only in matters related with the EU but also in many other areas. Maintaining that in this context many developments in the international platform which can be defined as 'diplomatic revolution' have taken place, examples of which can be attempts of neighboring countries with the leadership of Zagreb and Belgrade to enable permanent peace and stability in Bosnia-Herzegovina and important initiatives formed this year in Bosnia-Herzegovina to draw a line between the old tragedies and today and the future. Mr. Inzko underlined that during the process Turkey, through the 'Tripartite Consultation Mechanism' developed with Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, ensured significant efforts and made critical contributions to the melting of frontiers in the region's diplomacy.

A functional system is needed

Stressing that after the war striking developments took place in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Mr. Inzko said while then there was no national flag, currency, ministry of defense or passport; today Balkans can speak of the most stable currency of history. Mr. Inzko underlined that the country how has a national anthem and that progress has been made in a number of areas including national tax policy, border controls, preparations for biometrical passports and establishment of security units. Mr. Inzko emphasized that what is required to gain power is not centralization both functioning of state agencies.


Participants of the meeting involved representatives from embassy of Balkan countries in Turkey.

Touching upon the existing opportunities for preserving the current normalization and development process in Balkans Mr. Inzko underlined the importance of the young population potential and the common language spoken at the region despite differences. Mr. Inzko stated that the recent elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina raised opportunities for a new beginning and stressed the importance of the visa advantage the country, which has a long border with the EU, benefited from in the context of the accession process.

Constitutional reform among priorities

Maintaining that though he is optimistic about the future he is not seeking to paint an excessively rosy picture free from challenges Mr. Inzko said the country should cease sacrificing the needs of citizens in exchange for political interests. Mr. Inzko stated that Bosnia-Herzegovina citizens seek for integration, not further division. Highlighting that constitutional reform is comes to fore as a priority, Mr. Inzko underlined that the current constitutional principles do not grant right to election to minorities. Mr. Inzko also stated that, despite this the country is home to people from different nationalities and hybrid marriages among the citizens are quite prevalent. Mr. Inzko added that the constitutional reform should also address the judicial system.

The media is manipulated by political parties

Following Mr. Mr. Inzko's speech, TEPAV Foreign Policy Analyst Dr. Erhan Türbedar also made some assessments. Türbedar underlined that due to lack of political goodwill, common economic and social policies in the region are lacking, and highlighted the importance of constitutional amendment. Drawing attention to the social problems caused by nationalistic broadcasts the media organs in the country carry out, Türbedar stated that the media to a large extent is manipulated by political parties. After the speeches, questions and comments from the audience were called.



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