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Turkey's Accession Negotiations with the EU was Evaluated at TEPAV
14/10/2008 - Viewed 1730 times
Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) organized a round-table meeting titled "Turkey's Accession Negotiations with the EU: Progress and Prospects" with the Director General for Enlargement in European Commission, Michael Leigh as the keynote speaker, on October 13th, 2008.
After the opening speech of TEPAV Managing Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak, Michael Leigh delivered a speech about Turkey's accession negotiations with the EU. In his speech Leigh emphasized the importance of the continuing process between EU and Turkey. He noted that Turkey is facing many challenges, domestically and internationally, and EU accession process is considered to be one of them.
He mentioned that the pace of reform has slowed down in Turkey and it would not be beneficial for the future of Turkey. He stated that these reforms are needed not only for the accession to the EU but also for the benefit of Turkish citizens.
Leigh said that, "there are doubts and hesitations on both sides in terms of commitments to the process. However, the mutual interests are stronger now. The interests in specific areas, such as energy sources, have started to overlap and Turkey has already integrated with EU, in terms of investment and trade." Lastly he said, "The EU has a positive enlargement agenda, including Turkey. The relationship between parties has periodical ups and downs but its still is moving forward."

Tags: EU Accession,


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