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"How to Tackle the Kirkuk Question?"
01/06/2006 - Viewed 1813 times


TEPAV|EPRI organized its third meeting with the Middle East Project Director of the International Crisis Group, Mr. Joost Hiltermann on June 1, 2006 . In this meeting, Mr. Hilterman talked about the recent political developments in Iraq after the formation of the new government, the constitutional review process and the Kurdish situation including issues such as federation and the distribution of resources. He also evaluated the future of Kirkuk before the publication of a report by ICG on the same issue in July 2006.


1 June 2006, Thursday

Senate Room, TOBB Economy and Technology University

Sogutozu Cad. No. 43, Sogutozu, Ankara

15.00- 17.00


Introductory Remarks: Joost R. Hiltermann- Middle East Project Director- International Crisis Group

15.30- 17.00

Open Discussion

Discussion Points:

-          What will be the general situation in Iraq and its effects on the neighboring countries including Turkey after the new government took power?

-           How did the designing of the constitutional framework help to the Kurds in Kirkuk?

-          What are the prospects for the referenda that will take place in these areas before the end of 2007? What will be the reaction of the central government and the regional actors to this referendum? What will be the conditions of the Turcomans in Kirkuk?

-          Did the civil war already start in Iraq? If yes, what would be the way to stop it? If not, what are the prospects of the acceleration of violence that would lead to a real civil war? Which areas in Iraq are more prone to being hotbeds of civil war?

Click the links below for meeting- documents

Tags: Middle East,


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