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Energy Sector Reform Round Table: Where Are We? What Should Be Done?
17/01/2006 - Viewed 1581 times

Energy Sector Working Group of the TEPAV|EPRI Governance Studies Progamme aims at monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the reform as well as forewarning decision makers and public opinion  of  the possible risks to be confronted in the sector.

Energy Sector Reform Round Table has been the second meeting of the Working Group and brought together parliamentarians, academicians and private sector representatives. Discussions on restructuring of the sector took place following the presentation of Izak Atiyas from the Istanbul Sabanci University entitled "Liberalization in Energy Sector and Regulatory Reform" The presentation is based on the policy note of Mr.Atiyas which is being prepared within the scope of a TESEV project.

Round table series will be continued with elaborate meetings on specific subsectors.


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