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8 Major Priorities for the International Community Confronting the Afghanistan Crisis The World Refugee & Migration Council Releases an Urgent Call for Action
Haber resmi
24/08/2021 - Viewed 818 times



Comprising of academics, diplomats, and NGO leaders across the world, the World Refugee & Migration Council was established in 2017 to compliment the efforts of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR). As the United States and its NATO allies are amidst pulling out of Afghanistan in August 2021, following a 20-year-long campaign in the nation, chaos has spread. The officially recognized government of Afghanistan has crumbled overnight with the Taliban, previously known for their conservative and harsh rule, unexpectedly taking over much of the country. The future for the nation of nearly 40 million under Taliban control remains in the air and an anticipated refugee crisis is in the making. As such, the World Refugee and Migration Council has announced an urgent and paramount list priorities for the international community to take immediate action for alleviating the situation on hand.

A summary of the eight urgent priorities are as follows:

  1. Kabul Airport must be kept secure for evacuation flights for as long as necessary
  2. UN Member States must ensure that UN Funds and Agencies have enough support, including resources, for the robust continuation of their operations
  3. A humanitarian land corridor, in coordination with the Taliban, must be permitted for the delivery of humanitarian assistance
  4. The international community must provide means of providing support for Afghans who wish to relocate outside their country
  5. The future of Afghan refugees should not be determined simply by geography but according to the principles of global responsibility sharing- countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States should fulfill their pledges on accepting Afghan refugees
  6. The UN Secretary-General should hold a multi-stakeholder pledging conference- in line with the one held in 1979 for Vietnamese refugees
  7. International Community needs to monitor the actions of the Taliban towards women, girls, and the LGBTQ+ community of Afghanistan as they are the most vulnerable groups
  8. The Secretary General of the United Nations should appoint an adequately resourced special envoy to coordinate the international efforts to assist the people of Afghanistan


TEPAV’s founder and Program Director, Dr. Güven Sak, is a World Refugee & Migration Council member.


To access the original press release, click here.



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