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Joint position paper for Customs Union modernization The importance of updating the Customs Union was addressed by a joint initiative of TEPAV, AHK Turkey, TOBB, and the Bilateral European Chambers.
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06/05/2021 - Viewed 1036 times



The joint "Customs Union Position Paper” for modernizing the said agreement was prepared by The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) and the German-Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Turkey) with the support of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and the Bilateral European Chambers in Turkey. To discuss the published paper, AHK Turkey and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Turkey held an online event on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, highlighting the importance of modernizing the existing Customs Union for benefit of the EU-Turkey partnership in parallel with the main findings of the position document.

Following the remarks of Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landraut, head of the European Union Delegation to Turkey; Jürgen Schulz, Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany; and Jane, Grady U.K. Assistant Secretary of Commerce; TEPAV Program Director Sibel Güven presented the Customs Union position paper.

Levent Apaydin, President of the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Turkey; Georg Karabaczek, Austria's Trade Commissioner for Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan; Livio Manzini, President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Turkey; Zeynep Necipoglu, President of the French Chamber of Commerce in Turkey; Chris Gaunt, President of the British Chamber of Commerce in Turkey; Arpat Şenocak, President of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Turkey; and, Gregor Van Der Mark, President of the Dutch Business Association in Turkey; spoke at the session. During the event, which featured various stakeholders, participants stated that the modernization of the Customs Union is important for all partners and for reviving the momentum of Turkey’s integration.

Coordinators of the joint venture emphasized that for the past 25 years EU-Turkey trade relations have been facilitated thanks to the Customs Union, during which time the Customs Union was the main factor improving trade and investments. In the prepared position paper, the achievements of the Customs Union were compiled by supporting case analysis and it was revealed that an expanded Customs Union framework would constitute a win-win situation for both the EU and Turkey.

The highlights of the study prepared with the initiative of TEPAV, AHK Turkey, TOBB, and the Bilateral European Chambers in Turkey can be summarized as follows:

  • The Customs Union is beneficial for both parties in terms of regulations, legislation, and increasing efficiency.
  • In order to adapt to the trade environment that has evolved over time, the transformation of the Customs Union is gaining importance. (Services, agriculture, public tenders, state aid, improvements in the implementation of the agreement...)
  • The modernization of the Customs Union is an opportunity to improve Turkey-EU relations in the future and to establish an effective channel of communication and co-operation.


To access AHK Turkey's Position Document on the Modernization of the Customs Union prepared by TOBB, TEPAV, and the Bilateral European Chambers in Turkey click here.



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