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GMFUS panel discuses Migration Deal TEPAV Policy Analyst Omar Kadkoy joins GMFUS panel discussion, “Where Are We Five Years After The EU-Turkey Migration Deal?”
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28/03/2021 - Viewed 932 times



Five years ago, the EU and Turkey reached a controversial agreement tackling the issue of irregular migration flows over the Aegean. Envisioned as a joint coordination mechanism, the EU pledged 6 billion euros to Turkey to assist the millions of forcibly displaced in the country in exchange for the latter curbing the migrant movement to Europe. On the 5th anniversary of the Migration Deal, to discuss the situation of asylum seekers and refugees in Turkey, the EU migration policy, and the possibilities for continued cooperation between the EU and Turkey, the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMFUS) organized a virtual panel titled, “Where Are We Five Years after the EU-Turkey Migration Deal?"

Moderated by GMF-TOBB Senior Fellow, Kadri Tastan, the panel discussion took place on March 24th, 2021. Panelists included Professor Pinar Uyan Semerci, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and Director of Center for Migration Research at Istanbul Bilgi University; Omar Kadkoy, Policy Analyst at TEPAV; and Olivia Sundberg Diez, Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre.

In her opening remarks, Semerci highlighted the nature of the Migration Deal from an international law perspective, its successes and failures, the critiques against it, and addressed whether renewal of the cooperation agreement on the issue between the EU and Turkey is necessary.

After Sermeci’s insights, Kadkoy discussed the current situation and the socio-economic challenges Syrians face in Turkey, their aspirations for repatriation and intentions with regards to moving to Europe, and the perceptions of the hosting community on hosting millions of Syrians for over the decade.

Lastly, Diez commented on the positive impact of EU funded programs under the Facility for Refugees in Turkey (FRiT) initiative, designated areas in which further cooperation is required and forwarded civil society’s criticism of the Deal.

Engaging with the audience, a Q&A session took place following the presentations.

To watch the recording of the panel discussion, please click here.



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