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Time for a Positive Agenda in EU-Turkey Relations: Start with a Green Deal Turkey BBI InBrief / Güven SAK
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22/12/2020 - Viewed 1597 times



Turkey-EU relation is similar to that of a marriage, complex. Nevertheless, instead of finger pointing and playing a guessing game the two entities need more dialogue and bilateral engagement. In terms of both security and economy Turkey is a part of the West. Turkey economically has become more competitive, exporting sophisticated products, due to the liberization reforms which took place in the country in 1980 as well as the EU reform process which began in the early 2000s, eventually paving its way to accession talks in 2005. Turkey’s continuing economic and social transformation is good for European security in general.

The Green Deal, the new growth strategy of Europe to find a solution for the climate crisis while maintaining business, is a convergence point of Turkey-EU relations. As over fifty percent of Turkish exports are destined to the EU market, Turkey will need to enact its own green transformation program. The carbon equalization tax on Turkish products is going to be costly especially during the COVID-19 recovery process where export performance will be negatively affected. Furthermore, European value chains already operating in Turkey might begin demanding a green transformation initiative. A mutually beneficial green transformation agenda appears to be a positive agenda item between the EU and Turkey.


You may read full note from here.


This note was published in Berlin Bosphorus Initiative (BBI)’s website on 07.11.2020

Tags: Green Deal,


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