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Executive Committee Meeting- Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry
20/08/2005 - Viewed 1334 times

The executive committee meeting of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry was held in the Egyptian resort city of Sharm El Sheikh on August 20, 2005. The meeting discussed the ways to promote bilateral trade among the 59 member countries.

The Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an affiliated organ of OIC and represents the private sector of 59 member countries. It aims at strengthening closer collaboration in the field of trade, commerce, information technology, insurance, shipping, banking, promotion of investment opportunities and joint ventures in the member countries. Its membership is comprised of the National Chambers/Unions/Federations of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the member countries.

The meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh was convened to express solidarity with Egypt and Sharm El Sheikh city in combating terrorism. The executive directpr of TEPAV-EPRI, Prof. Guven Sak, made a presentation on the activities of our institute in relation to the Islamic countries.



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