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Ankara Development Agency - Promoting Cultural and Historical Icons of Ankara with Innovative Methods


On-going project (June 2013 – March 2014)

Origin of funding: Central Directorate of Revolving Funds and Ankara Development Agency

The main goal of the project, which is conducted jointly by the Central Directorate of Revolving Funds and TEPAV, is to determine the perceptions about the cultural and historical values in Ankara and design policies to highlight the importance of these places for designing a “unique city” image as well as to promote the local values through innovative methods.

Project has two interrelated components. First activity is to gather input for designing policies to improve the city image of Ankara besides increasing the competitiveness and tourism potential of chosen sites. A detailed survey will be conducted in 10 sites and in-depth surveys will be conducted with relevant third-parties. The results of the mentioned study and policy suggestions will be shared with policy-makers and public via reports.

Second component is the design of a mobile application to promote the cultural and historical values. First, a map showing the important historical places, museums, city symbols, cultural and art centers, religious places and other chosen institutions will be prepared. The mobile application will enable 3-D visualization of 30 important places once held onto the designed map. There will also be informative screens in the application. The application will also allow users to make a virtual tour of 10 of the most significant places. Mobile application will enable users to design their own touristic and cultural routes and show them the most optimal route. This application will be bilingual (Turkish and English) and will be compatible with IOS and Android platforms. A website explaining the project and how to use the mobile application will also be launched.